
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Tips Cinta Suami Isteri

1. Kiss the hands of the husband and wife's forehead every time before separating to their respective workplaces.
2. If the split is more than a day like for tugasan regions, additions had ah daily routine with a hug and a kiss on the lips.
3. Although busy where once, take the time to call my partner at least once even if just to ask what is being done.
4. Was always saying words like I love you dear wholeheartedly before going out anywhere, completing perbualan in telephone and before bed.
5. Was always looking for opportunities for mid-day meal with his deep sure it has nothing to disturbances of children if the work day.
6. Instill asked what effect all day after coming home from work as a sign to take the weight and give couples the opportunity vomit feeling.
7. Take the time to boast about what sake only of the issue of domestic politics under hinggalah before bed.
8. Easy to apply any kind if the schism, do not let berlarutan even for one hour once let alone days.
9. Accompany spouse during watch their favorite designs albeit while reading what you indulge akhbar important example there are side.
10. Do not occasionally parted the bed while the child is in a row or age has increased his deep it is one of the important practice to tighten affection.
11. Resume practicing at home during the congregational prayer, pray together and greet selepasnya.
12. Make a habit of rotating glass or dish during the meal and do not hesitate or amused to spend on food or beverage wife or husband.
13. Make occasional surprises like gifts or buy kad for certain events, wearing sexy lingerie or sake only you know what couples would love it.
14. Joke in the household is very important, Ceritalah something that joke, riddle or what sake only that allows you to laugh together.